Replica Generalfeldmarschall
These are examples of the incredibly high
quality of workmanship in some of the replica field marshal batons that have
been produced over the years.
Occasionally these beautiful pieces from this particular maker are
offered for sale and demand a price befitting their beauty and fine
workmanship. Not all replica
batons, however, are done to this high degree of quality and in fact in recent
years the market has been flooded with poorly made reproductions to meet the
demand the internet has created.
Finding quality pieces, such as those shown here, is difficult at this
time and prices can be very high.
Also: Check out these photographs of a replica Grandadmiral formal
baton made from paper! It is an
incredible work of art.
Replica Generalfeldmarschall
Formal Batons
Heer and Luftwaffe
The Replica Formal Baton of Heer Generalfeldmarschall Ewald
von Kleist
of a private collection.
Photography by F.J. Stephens.)
The Replica Formal Batons of Luftwaffe GFM
of a private collection)
The Replica Formal Baton of Heer GFM Rommel and an additional example of Luftwaffe GFM
of a private collection)
The Kriegsmarine Grand Admiral Replica
Replica Luftwaffe Generalfeldmarschall
Interim Stab Baton